Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter is for Friends

So I skipped out on Easter today. I'm not much of a holiday person, and family get together's usually aren't my thing, anyway. I was supposed to go my grandparents place with my mom, but as luck would have it, Michael came over last night. As far as hanging out with Mike goes, it's always a good time. Especially when alcohol is involved.
Unfortunately his shenanigans usually end up in something broken; this time, one of my favorite wine glasses. Not mention the state my apartment is in now (not that it was anything pretty to begin with).

Lucky me that I skipped out on Easter, though. Instead of spending Easter with family, I spent it with one of my favorite people ever, P-P-P-Peter. Walked to Arby's, walked back, movie time. I couldn't have thought of a better way to spend Easter than that. Absolutely lovely.
What a goof.

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