Saturday, April 7, 2012

Why the hell...

Still trying to figure this blogger thing out. So weirrrrd.

I restarted my Facebook profile today. I was kinda bored and thought "Why not?" It gives me a good excuse to creep on people without their knowing. Baha!

On a different note, I finally made guacamole today (hence the picture. Messy work).  I also made a bean soup. It looked tasty, but I had to add a lot of nutritional yeast before it stopped tasting like bland shit. And I thought I put in so much cayenne pepper and chili powder! Lot's of work to do before I can say I can cook.

I feel like the soup and my dress were slightly color coordinating...if only a little. The bowl is the cardigan, the silverware is the jewelry. The cup and the banana are just there for amusement.

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