Thursday, April 19, 2012

365 Project

So about the same time I started this blog, I joined another site called 365 Project. Basically what it is is a site about photography, and you put up one picture you take each day to help you improve. There are little contests you can take part in (this week it's 'tiny things'), and I just found a tag-challenge, where you basically randomly click on two tags in the browse section and whatever you get that's you're challenge for the week, to try to take a picture combining those two things. I've actually learned a pretty decent amount from the like week and a half that I've been on the site (I finally figured out what ISO is haha!). It's nice because it's not so big you get lost in it, but big enough that there's still a ton of pictures to look at and little articles and what not in the forums to read. I quite enjoy it. It's almost kind of frustrating only being able to put up one picture a day, but at the same time it's nice. It's forcing me to be more critical of my work. Which one is my best? Which one, out of all them I've taken, do I want people to see? That and seeing the great work of so many other more experienced photographers is making me really try to step up my game and try to take some "wow" worthy shots. If anyone else is into photography, I'd totally recommend this site. It's simple and not overwhelming, and gives you just enough push to help you move those little baby steps forward.

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